Thursday 8 December 2011

21st Century Woman

So the weekend was jam packed for me. Rugby and shit and of course twas all going down at the den. For ya'll who might not know wat the den is...well follow my boy poghie on . He will fill you in on the rugby jurgon you need to familiarize yourself with.

Back to matters weekend. So the game is kicking at the den. Homeboyz rfc are giving the Lions a run for their money and as usual the fanbase is going wild with taunting either side based on preference. I mean at this point Lions fans might as well jump ship and conveniently join the winning side with no apologies...after all, aren't we all rugby fans?

As is expected, things flare up. Homeboyz have opened the lead and might just box a rather tamed lions should they fail to step up their game. A game of fifteen players a-side becomes one of 15a-side plus the fans and then, the drama begins.

This young goon casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a KCB hoodie starts hauling abuses at the homeboyz players. He rants on about their lack of skill and gracefully informs them that the Lions will thwart their sorry arses and he has a right to tell them that. I mean isn't he just being the typical fan? Now his snide remarks really don't intimidate anyone. I guess them players are so used to be taunted they wouldn't give a shit if he were to match up to their faces and *bitch* cause at the end of the day, the game and how well they can deliver is all that matters - winning is their only weapon against such astringent remarks

Game on! They might not say it but the zeal with which they play speaks for itself. A will to win and silence this ruffian who has no business being at this specific match other than running his mouth. Dude carries on with his acerbic remarks as if he were on a payrole and then, he pushes the wrong button. He verbally attacks one of the players whose mama is nothing short of a combatant and all hell breaks lose.

This girl(lets call her SB)charges like a bull in a arena and when need be fights like an ARSENAL fan in Manchester United club. Her agressive nature rubs some people off the wrong way and as such, you either love or despise her.I mean rugby to her is more than big men in tiny shorts carrying around an oddshapedball(as poghie calls em). Rugby to her is beyond love. It's her LIFE (well rugby and MAN-U) so she will protect(physically if need be)the game and her man because of the love for the game and HIM(things we do for love omera).

The rest is history, of cause she wins. No man enters into a war of words with a woman and wins - really no man unless he is a Semenya.

So the game ends and the Lions have won. Homeboyz have put up a good fight but hey, you win some, you lose some and at the end of the day rugby wins.

So why am i writing this? I posted this here for all the women out there who are always waiting for their men to protect them and come to their rescue. If there is anything i learnt over the weekend is that sometimes, my man needs me to come to his rescue. So next time i just might,(though i don't have the nerve like SB)smack some goon who takes on my man verbally.(mwanamke ni

This is the 21st century ladies. Lets defend the people we love with our all...especially our men.
